• #11852
For anyone with a PS3... you can pick up Ni No Kuni for a tiny £3.99 on the PS store at the moment.
I played it before selling my PS3 and it's fantastic.
Good reviews too: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-01-17-ni-no-kuni-wrath-of-the-white-witch-review
• #11853
Didn't Ubisoft purposefully hamper the PC version of Watchdog's graphics so as not to upset people who had bought a PS4?
There was rumour they reduced the settings and it was possible to edit some files of the game to bring them back up for the PC version, but I think it turned out to be fake.
• #11854
• #11856
So true. Much amuse.
• #11857
Hating FIFA 15
• #11858
Bit early aint it? What's your gripe?
• #11859
he doesn't like football.
• #11860
Anyone want to buy 2400 Microsoft points for £18? In 3 packets of 800, I can open the packet and send you photos of the codez rather than faff about
• #11861
I thought they got rid of points.
• #11862
Yeah I heard about that but then didn't hear about it again, will try to find out what they are worth
• #11863
ok it looks like they are worth £20.40
• #11864
The point are gone, I got email some months back telling me my hoard was being converted to credit for use in the Live store. You still can't use it to renew your live sub rather oddly.
• #11865
playing D3 on a 27 inch imac. Hell never looked so poppy and vibrant!
• #11867
Cyber slicks FTW. I'm up to 1800 online, it's not got old yet.
• #11869
Anyone else playing Magic 2015?
• #11870
Shit man, I used to play Magic loads as a kid. Could be tempted. No idea how to play anymore. Is it on a mac/iOS?
• #11871
iPad only at the moment then Steam and eventually everything bar Sony.
Has single player to get you used to playing again with a few free boosters to have a go at deck building. After the first few battles in coating mode you need to start unlocking stuff at this point you need to decide between continuing with the app of switching to Magic Online on the PC. I had some free iTunes money so unlocked the chapters.
• #11872
gone are the days of hordes of spotty MtG playing virgins commandeering a provincial Subways for hours on end and sharing one bottomless fanta between the lot of 'em. computers have a lot to answer for.
• #11873
It's all sealed deck Friday night stuff these days. Still the same virgins though, just older and fatter.
• #11874
Kinda thinking Day Z has become to player survival rather than world/zombie survival.
State of Decay is bloody great but its 1 player only. (Great balance between zombie killing and scavenging IMO).
7 Days to die, any good? Spenceey? -
• #11875
Cyber slicks FTW. I'm up to 1800 online...
It turns out regular slicks are actually faster than Cyber Slicks... I don't know what 'I'm up to 1800 online' means...
no one really knows wtf happened. It was PC based originally, now it looks like a shit PC port of a console game.