• My brother wants to club together with various family members and get me a Go Pro for my birthday/Christmas presents combined, so I can take it touring and record stuff.

    He seems to think because I cycle I know all about this stuff so has basically asked me what they should get and I haven't got a clue. Can anyone help?

    I don't even have a clue how these things work but in my head a Good Thing would be:

    -Something that I can mount somewhere that's not a helmet/handlebars (I'll be on the back of a tandem so handlebars would presumably result in lots of footage of 6pt's arse, and I don't intend to wear a helmet all the time, only when we accidentally get stuck on motorways and stuff)

    -But something I can also hold and wave around so I can do 360 degree panoramas etc (benefit of being on the back of a tandem - you never need to hold on)

    -And something I can plug an external mic into so I can record my fantastic commentary (like 'Look! That pig is having a wee!')

    -And something that doesn't require loads of charging (it sounds like that might be impossible from a quick skim of this thread)

    Any thoughts? I don't really know what the budget is but he sent me a link to a £300 Go Pro as a suggestion so I'm guessing they're OK with going pretty spendy...
