The problem for me is perception. The only American mechanical watch I ever had (as a boy) lasted about a week before it fell apart.
Tools, yes American tools, tend to be massively over engineered and last a lifetime (as does the food) but everything else seems to be engineered to the lowest possible budget (artisan stuff excepted).
Huge generalisation of course, but still couldn't see myself buying Weiss or Ball or Westclox (the latter was the one that ticked itself to death in a week).
The problem for me is perception. The only American mechanical watch I ever had (as a boy) lasted about a week before it fell apart.
Tools, yes American tools, tend to be massively over engineered and last a lifetime (as does the food) but everything else seems to be engineered to the lowest possible budget (artisan stuff excepted).
Huge generalisation of course, but still couldn't see myself buying Weiss or Ball or Westclox (the latter was the one that ticked itself to death in a week).