Where and when did they say that clockwise? I recommend yall see the E3 conference of EA Games to get some insight on what they're doing atm. BF Hardline looks pretty sick to me!
A few months back when "bf5:swat" was leaked from visceral and they had to explain why/how dice wasn't working on it. Was a very quick snippet in some interviews that I'm sure ea are doing what they can to make disappear.
I also still remember the "micropurchases in every game" talk ea gave which isn't entirely true yet but then expecting to charge £40+ for a game then £20+ premium or £10 an expansion(x3-5) with micro purchases ontop takes the piss.
I can't see myself buying hardline, didn't get bf4 until it was on special offer in japan and mexico so my premium "full" edition was only £30.
A few months back when "bf5:swat" was leaked from visceral and they had to explain why/how dice wasn't working on it. Was a very quick snippet in some interviews that I'm sure ea are doing what they can to make disappear.
I also still remember the "micropurchases in every game" talk ea gave which isn't entirely true yet but then expecting to charge £40+ for a game then £20+ premium or £10 an expansion(x3-5) with micro purchases ontop takes the piss.
I can't see myself buying hardline, didn't get bf4 until it was on special offer in japan and mexico so my premium "full" edition was only £30.