Had that yesterday evening. Fat bint pushing a buggy, dashes across at red man, rather than wait a few seconds for the lights to change. 'That's it!' I called. 'Teach them good habits, you fucking dozy cunt!'
In case you're in any doubt, such misogynistic posts are going to get you banned.
When people on here are warning you, you should guess that you've been reported and it means I'm going to do something.
I usually don't warn people, but you're getting this one warning so don't get uppity about it... heed it. Take the sexist rubbish elsewhere or better still just don't go there.
In case you're in any doubt, such misogynistic posts are going to get you banned.
When people on here are warning you, you should guess that you've been reported and it means I'm going to do something.
I usually don't warn people, but you're getting this one warning so don't get uppity about it... heed it. Take the sexist rubbish elsewhere or better still just don't go there.