No, it uses the accelerometer it uses for cadence calculations to work out when you're using which leg. It's a bit of a fudge, rather than being a proper separate measurement for left and right.
Kinda. It knows where the crank arms are when the Power is being produced. Then it assumes all Power comes from downward force.
But if you go around pulling With Your left, and pushing With Your right. You're just as unbalanced in a way, as if you where one sided. So its a decent number.
just another metric isn't it though - not really a useful number.
I think if Dammit really is 40:60 peddling. Knowing about it would be bloody useful.
Thing is. If it was on the big Climb. It could be you pulling With Your left as much as pushing. But simply pushing With Your right as its stronger. Thats not totally logical. But even if its a little true. It would take a slight inbalance and trick the P2M into exagerating it.
Kinda. It knows where the crank arms are when the Power is being produced. Then it assumes all Power comes from downward force.
But if you go around pulling With Your left, and pushing With Your right. You're just as unbalanced in a way, as if you where one sided. So its a decent number.
I think if Dammit really is 40:60 peddling. Knowing about it would be bloody useful.
Thing is. If it was on the big Climb. It could be you pulling With Your left as much as pushing. But simply pushing With Your right as its stronger. Thats not totally logical. But even if its a little true. It would take a slight inbalance and trick the P2M into exagerating it.