I'm changing some sockets from plastic to metal which means the front plate needs to have a neutral wire attached to it.
Inside the wall box is this:
I'm guessing that the green / yellow neutrals are just left there for if we need to use them? If so, do i need to attach both? (one is just out of picture, being held out of frame by me, at the top)
The Green/Yellows are the Earths NOT the Neutrals (the blue ones are neutral). This is very important to remember.
However, you are correct about connecting the metal plate to the earths in the choc bloc, you can do it to both sets if you want but only one is necessary.
The Green/Yellows are the Earths NOT the Neutrals (the blue ones are neutral). This is very important to remember.
However, you are correct about connecting the metal plate to the earths in the choc bloc, you can do it to both sets if you want but only one is necessary.