Is the frame PVC, metal or other? Is it fucked like take off the old one and put on a new one or really fucked like need to redrill the holes for screws?
Not something I would do but I know some it's a simple swap then a little bit to align things like hanging a door/window and others it's near impossible.
The frame is PVC and I have no idea how fucked it is as I'm not strong enough to open it enough to check. The window sags on the top hinge but it only opens about a quarter of the way which makes it tricky to assess the damage. Doesn't really help that it's on the first floor so if I did open it and dropped it then it'd go smashing down onto the ground several feet below D:
The frame is PVC and I have no idea how fucked it is as I'm not strong enough to open it enough to check. The window sags on the top hinge but it only opens about a quarter of the way which makes it tricky to assess the damage. Doesn't really help that it's on the first floor so if I did open it and dropped it then it'd go smashing down onto the ground several feet below D: