I think it's well ugly, the first and fifth numbers in the very badly stamped serial no denote it's 1979, also stamped 'second' presumably because of the myopic dater or the two blemishes on the neck...? It's definitely the real deal, it's been in an attic for 30 years, original case and scratchy pots...
If ya want moar pics mr slain drop me a pm, it's also in West Dulwich if you wanna caress it.
Make it fifty dorrah and it's yours Niall.
I think it's well ugly, the first and fifth numbers in the very badly stamped serial no denote it's 1979, also stamped 'second' presumably because of the myopic dater or the two blemishes on the neck...? It's definitely the real deal, it's been in an attic for 30 years, original case and scratchy pots...
If ya want moar pics mr slain drop me a pm, it's also in West Dulwich if you wanna caress it.
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