right, so when some weapon signs up and starts flinging shouty-fist PMs about, we should just suck it up and 'ride our bikes'? fuck that. i don't take lightly to being threatened even by some cat 4 internet hard man and will endeavour to have the twat banned for his troubles. you wouldn't put up with that shit down the pub, why should anyone put up with it here?
I like to think VB is only too happy to hoof em out the door, one less moron to police.
right, so when some weapon signs up and starts flinging shouty-fist PMs about, we should just suck it up and 'ride our bikes'? fuck that. i don't take lightly to being threatened even by some cat 4 internet hard man and will endeavour to have the twat banned for his troubles. you wouldn't put up with that shit down the pub, why should anyone put up with it here?
I like to think VB is only too happy to hoof em out the door, one less moron to police.