It struck me tonight how old fashioned and low-tech the voting system is. You take a card you got through the post to some school or civic centre where a woman with a perspex ruler goes down a long list of names on a sheet of paper before you are handed yet more paper and go in to a plywood booth where you use a pencil on the end of a string to mark an X. Then you put those papers in to plastic boxes with little slits in them. Which are then collected and the contents poured out on to long tables before being sorted and counted by hand.
This is not what comics in my childhood told me the future would be like.
Not much of an advert that, is it?
It struck me tonight how old fashioned and low-tech the voting system is. You take a card you got through the post to some school or civic centre where a woman with a perspex ruler goes down a long list of names on a sheet of paper before you are handed yet more paper and go in to a plywood booth where you use a pencil on the end of a string to mark an X. Then you put those papers in to plastic boxes with little slits in them. Which are then collected and the contents poured out on to long tables before being sorted and counted by hand.
This is not what comics in my childhood told me the future would be like.