I'm a non-cycling vaper from some of those 'weird' forums (haha!) who stumbled across this thread (as you do) and, after reading from beginning to end, signed up just to make three points:
1) Serious kudos to Butters (and only a bit less for TS and others) for all the support and advice generously given to others.
It's been an absolute scream reading your progress from CE4s right up to powerful mech mods and rebuildables, all in just a couple of months.
2) As most of you folks are probably aware, the future of vaping is under serious threat initially from the European Tobacco Products Directive but eventually from Westminster as our wonderful politicians try to bring the TPD regs into UK law.
Butters posted the url a few months ago but I'd press you all to make sure you've signed the EFVI (the European Free Vaping Initiative) to force the EC to consult with vapers before moving further down their restrictive path. Plus your friends, family and anyone else who's seen the change in you since you started vaping.
Not only will the TPD make our vaping far more difficult but future vapers simply won't have the choice of kit or supplies that we've been lucky enough to use to learn at a reasonable cost.
3) As part of the push to get more signatures, EFVI-uk have placed almost 500 colourful Dodoboxes in vaping retailers across the country.
One of the lucky consequences of this is (probably) the best map of UK vaping shops - hope you find it useful in your travels. (There's another good map maintained by the AAEC forum.)
Oh and if you see a Dodobox please take the time to thank the shop staff for supporting EFVI?
ps. If you find a shop that you think should be on the map (service, range of kit, advice, etc), please drop me the details to BathVaper@gmail.com. Ta!
Been meaning to get involved in some way with this but haven't got around to it, will send off emails and stuff... Nice!
Been meaning to get involved in some way with this but haven't got around to it, will send off emails and stuff... Nice!