Seat posts, does carbon actually make a difference to comfort? I currently have a layback carbon post, with the seat almost all the way forward to acheive required position relative to cranks, I also have an aluminium inline one which would achieve a more pleasing atheistic but I'm loathe to lose comfort on my training bike, I guess the answer is I should try the both out and try to make my own judgement...
If not what's the forum recommended 31.6 carbon inline seatpost?
Seat posts, does carbon actually make a difference to comfort? I currently have a layback carbon post, with the seat almost all the way forward to acheive required position relative to cranks, I also have an aluminium inline one which would achieve a more pleasing atheistic but I'm loathe to lose comfort on my training bike, I guess the answer is I should try the both out and try to make my own judgement...
If not what's the forum recommended 31.6 carbon inline seatpost?