Well, "edition" is english for edicao, "editing" is from "to edit (photos)" .
hahaha cheers. You see, that's the problem, in portuguese, 'edição' is both 'to edit' and 'edition', but I've googled it and understand it now, edition is like a 'magazine edition' (something published and stuff like that, usually an item, from what I gather) whilst editing is actually changing things (not the best way to explain it, but yeah...)
hahaha cheers. You see, that's the problem, in portuguese, 'edição' is both 'to edit' and 'edition', but I've googled it and understand it now, edition is like a 'magazine edition' (something published and stuff like that, usually an item, from what I gather) whilst editing is actually changing things (not the best way to explain it, but yeah...)