B, I researched a load of high end compacts a while back. Not sure what new cameras are out now but the RX100 basically blew all the others away in all aspects. I had a quick play with it though and just found it a bit fiddly, didn't quite like the feel of it.
The s120 is pretty pocket friendly, and if you're lucky, you may still be able to pick up the s110 which isn't much different, on a ridiculously reduced deal - though I'd guess it's prob a bit late now.
B, I researched a load of high end compacts a while back. Not sure what new cameras are out now but the RX100 basically blew all the others away in all aspects. I had a quick play with it though and just found it a bit fiddly, didn't quite like the feel of it.
The s120 is pretty pocket friendly, and if you're lucky, you may still be able to pick up the s110 which isn't much different, on a ridiculously reduced deal - though I'd guess it's prob a bit late now.