Rainy this morning, lots of traffic - I observed a blert jumping numerous lights and riding on the pavement as I cycled into work.
Once a longer stretch of road was available (i.e. no lights and faster moving traffic) I safely cycled by him as he wasn't going particularly quickly. Didn't think much of it but obviously he took my overtaking as a challenge. At the next set on lights he decided to use his gears and the downhill stretch to go by me.
As he did I did something I would never normally do I stuck my hand out to indicate a move out as a car had just pulled into the smurf lane furhter up. It was one of those 'I'd better keep my eyes on the traffic' scenarios so didn't do the mandatory look over the shoulder.
It was at this point my hand connected with his kidney.
No damage done (I immediately apologised) but I felt I could no longer feel all smug for not cycling like a twat.
Rainy this morning, lots of traffic - I observed a blert jumping numerous lights and riding on the pavement as I cycled into work.
Once a longer stretch of road was available (i.e. no lights and faster moving traffic) I safely cycled by him as he wasn't going particularly quickly. Didn't think much of it but obviously he took my overtaking as a challenge. At the next set on lights he decided to use his gears and the downhill stretch to go by me.
As he did I did something I would never normally do I stuck my hand out to indicate a move out as a car had just pulled into the smurf lane furhter up. It was one of those 'I'd better keep my eyes on the traffic' scenarios so didn't do the mandatory look over the shoulder.
It was at this point my hand connected with his kidney.
No damage done (I immediately apologised) but I felt I could no longer feel all smug for not cycling like a twat.