so, my Ricoh GRD3 has decided it doesn't want to work any more. I paid to have it sorted when the lens assembly went a year or so ago for about 150 euros but i don't think i can bring myself to do it again. Had to do the same thing with my GRD2 as well so thinking I need to try something else.
Can anyone recommend a proper compact camera, as in it will fit in my trouser pocket, that would make a good every day carry? Had a quick scope on line and the sony rx100 or cannon s120 seem to be liked. I really like the ricoh but they seem a bit flakey and i've had the same fault 3 times on 2 models so I think i need a change. Any advice would be appreciated.
Also, anyone done the lightroom course at Photofusion? Thinking I really need to get my head around the processing as my stance on never retouching anything obviously stems from my lack of skills, though I can do most of the basics in potatoeshop.
so, my Ricoh GRD3 has decided it doesn't want to work any more. I paid to have it sorted when the lens assembly went a year or so ago for about 150 euros but i don't think i can bring myself to do it again. Had to do the same thing with my GRD2 as well so thinking I need to try something else.
Can anyone recommend a proper compact camera, as in it will fit in my trouser pocket, that would make a good every day carry? Had a quick scope on line and the sony rx100 or cannon s120 seem to be liked. I really like the ricoh but they seem a bit flakey and i've had the same fault 3 times on 2 models so I think i need a change. Any advice would be appreciated.
Also, anyone done the lightroom course at Photofusion? Thinking I really need to get my head around the processing as my stance on never retouching anything obviously stems from my lack of skills, though I can do most of the basics in potatoeshop.