No, hipsters say "have you heard the latest xxx album. I've got it on limited red see-through vinyl. It matches my plastic fauxglasses and this retro plastic Timex I paid 800USD for, specially imported from Cunce R Us" all while adjusting their waxed beards or pulling their trousers up a bit to show their faux prison tatts.
Its generational, and nobody thinks they are one, everyone differentiates themselves from the ones that came before.
I'm sure those older, glasses-wearing, bearded, once-were-hips would say "No, hipsters say 'have you seen my black hair dye for my Romulan hair cut? I am off to do some heroin and listen to Heroin
at a show in my friend's living room'"
and so on and so forth all the way back to hep cats and beatnik jazz.
Its generational, and nobody thinks they are one, everyone differentiates themselves from the ones that came before.
I'm sure those older, glasses-wearing, bearded, once-were-hips would say "No, hipsters say 'have you seen my black hair dye for my Romulan hair cut? I am off to do some heroin and listen to Heroin
at a show in my friend's living room'"
and so on and so forth all the way back to hep cats and beatnik jazz.
At any rate "I'm not a hipster" is an impossible argument to win for anyone ever. You are a hipster skeptic. James Randi Lecture @ Caltech - Cant Prove a Negative - YouTube
/i have a beard but pull my trousers DOWN to show my faux prison tatts