Yesterday evening clad in lycra on my way to Stratford with an overpacked bag, I was going along Balls Pond Road and saw a girl on a fixed silver/grey Cinelli, with very long hair and a very packed black Mission rucksack, and cycling shorts.
Was going to say hi at the lights at Dalston Junction and be like 'Hey, we look kinda similar!' but then you RLJ'd up Kingsland Road.
Yesterday evening clad in lycra on my way to Stratford with an overpacked bag, I was going along Balls Pond Road and saw a girl on a fixed silver/grey Cinelli, with very long hair and a very packed black Mission rucksack, and cycling shorts.
Was going to say hi at the lights at Dalston Junction and be like 'Hey, we look kinda similar!' but then you RLJ'd up Kingsland Road.