I did a nice fast 5.5k at lunch today. Tried to hang onto my colleague's pace for the first half and just about managed it, then ran my own "fast" pace for the second half, trying to catch another colleague. Felt like I'd use everything in the first half and then got a second wind and actually ran (as opposed to jogged) about the last quarter. Felt like a bit of a breakthrough!
basically my training was spot on. can't find a single fault with my prep at all. hansons marathon method == approved.
Just looked this up, after getting a text from my mum yesterday that read "Me, you, next year, London Marathon?". It would be a good achievement in the year I turn 30.
Well done everyone who ran yesterday!
I did a nice fast 5.5k at lunch today. Tried to hang onto my colleague's pace for the first half and just about managed it, then ran my own "fast" pace for the second half, trying to catch another colleague. Felt like I'd use everything in the first half and then got a second wind and actually ran (as opposed to jogged) about the last quarter. Felt like a bit of a breakthrough!