Really? I have always had chard available in california and here in Berlin. In Argentina it is practically the national vegetable. In fact, I used to like it, but aside from glorious grünkohl (kale) season it is the only green they have so I am now pretty sick of it.
What do you have for greens in your markets? If you regularly have dandelion greens, or any of the Acephala group* of Brassicas (kale, collard, or 'spring greens') I am totally jealous.
Really? I have always had chard available in california and here in Berlin. In Argentina it is practically the national vegetable. In fact, I used to like it, but aside from glorious grünkohl (kale) season it is the only green they have so I am now pretty sick of it.
What do you have for greens in your markets? If you regularly have dandelion greens, or any of the Acephala group* of Brassicas (kale, collard, or 'spring greens') I am totally jealous.
Oh or the italian wildish broccoli (rapini?)