• For racing, I wouldn't bother. I've seen no evidence that anything under about £1000 (Cosmic Carbone, Zipp 101 for examples of where spending £1k does actually get you faster wheels) is faster than Shimano RS31, although the Flo30 might be the exception. For the odd 10 mile TT, £500 is most of the way to getting you some Raltech covers and a second hand Hed3, and not much at any price is going to be a lot faster than that. For road racing, you want something cheap enough that you don't burst into tears when they get smashed in the inevitable pile-up, so maybe drop down from the bling RS31 to the more affordable R501-30 :-)

    They both seem quite heavy to me (although I take your point about smashing them up). Then again, I'm pretty sure I could lose near enough a race bike's weight with a bit of effort...

    or cheapo chinese carbon tubs (definitely won't explode/kill you with fire)

    Was contemplating something along those lines - maybe the planet x 'aero' wide tubs?
