how are you done with titanfall?! I'm finding it quite entertaining. a bit hilarious and generally enjoyable bouncy bouncy. Some of the daytime-playing euro guys take it far too seriously based on the heated to-and-fro of abuse they spew over the airwaves though.
Just find myself frustrated by a k/d ratio of less than one with everyone just getting as high up as possible and shooting people on the ground - yawn.
How is Ground Zeroes?
Its the only game out at the moment that makes me sort of want a next gen console
Hella good, hella short. There is literally one area in which the mission unfolds - the extra missions are just different scenarios played out in the same place with different weather. I think i got it for £20 which is about right with plenty of sell-on value.
Just find myself frustrated by a k/d ratio of less than one with everyone just getting as high up as possible and shooting people on the ground - yawn.
Hella good, hella short. There is literally one area in which the mission unfolds - the extra missions are just different scenarios played out in the same place with different weather. I think i got it for £20 which is about right with plenty of sell-on value.