• #27
Christ, I just threw up my lunch.
• #28
Thank you all for your kind comments.
Shit, where did we go wrong?! -
• #29
It's really high time we had a Clive version of this. Someone please get on it.
• #30
Sounds great Clive. Good luck!
• #31
Clive, keep up the good work, push the limits of your creative writing with force, that's why we love you.
Keep on snobbing is not a totally bad thing, and with a bit of luck there are good chances that it might become the thread of the year.
• #32
Did I spot Clive on Lea Bridge Road at about noon? He was heading East. This was going over the canal bridge in rather busy traffic and he was not fixed but roadie so I am not sure.
• #33
It was me.
• #34
Hello Clive!
• #35
I have faith in you Clive. I'm sure it will be a breeze!
• #36
Of hail and fixed wheels.
• #37
Good luck! Are you still fat?
Did I spot Clive on Lea Bridge Road at about noon? He was heading East. This was going over the canal bridge in rather busy traffic and he was not fixed but roadie so I am not sure.
Hello Clive!
• #38
Nice reading, Clive. Can you let us know the weight at the starting point? (3 blogs back)
Afterward, would be nice let us wait until Montecarlo in regards of the numbers(grams, stones, kilos etc), no spoilers will maintain better the suspense and the grip for the audience. -
• #39
I deliberately left that out due to immense embarrassment..
Good idea. I will let you know when I get to Monte Carlo.
• #40
Clive - best of luck, sounds like a grand endeavour, 8 back to back long days
Cliveo, don't listen to utereus, with his toe envy.. mind you if you had started from the heel of Italy (Apuglia) I'd have offered you an free escort courtesy of uncle peppino via brindisi and bari.. looking forward to the blogs
Kat and I are going to Apuglia this summer, PM coming your way for any top tips of things to see/do. -
• #41
Try high man - that means being fueled up when training. No point dieting yourself so hard you can't get the miles in. Cut back when your exercise levels are reduced. I've been using myfitnesspal to keep an eye on calories in vs. out and it has been working ok for me (until the inevitable Fri night beer binge).
• #42
It is interesting you are doing the Western side.
I mapped a less painful route along the East coast last year but couldn't get the logistics to work.Are you doing any of the stages fixed?
And be sure to change your cleats. Daily.
• #43
All geared.
When we did London to Monte Carlo we were into the wind for much of the first four or five days. This ride should have the wind (such that it is) behind us. West coast is hillier than the eat but this ride only has 2/3 of the climbing of our last adventure and most of that was in a two day period, I will post up the pdf of the ride manual with route when I get a chance.
hippy, I saw the nutritionist earlier. Will be receiving a diet plan tomorrow.
One key element is:
Normal evenings:
1/3 protein: 2/3 veg
Pre ride evenings:
1/4 "spelt pasta; 1/4 protein; 1/2 veg
Also, always eat raw before cooked and don't take in too much fluid with meals. Water dilutes gastric juices and impairs digestion.
• #44
Clive, I hope you don't mind if I keep on posting in here time to time, but if you do please let me know.
The south, of Italy of course, is something that often comes in my mind for different reasons, no worries I'm not gonna go with all the subjects in once. Anyway, the main doubt is always the same, to snob it or not to snob it. Well, I thought that when I ain't got anything better to think about a bit in there in terms of research it should do no harm. So, soon I will must to do some homework for my web design course and i thought maybe I could trow a few hours in there with that, you know, just an HTML file with a couple of CSS externally attached and voilà.
Now, you are wondering why I'm here, well nowadays with all this copyright thing to use pictures that you just fish from the internet it's a bit not too right, so I thought (to do do things right) maybe, while you will ride the foot of Italy, probably you will go trough some of these pieces of terrain full of pomodori, barbabietole, cetrioli etc(in September they will may be rotten, so in that case the decadence of it will be outstanding, in terms of image), and if you could take a few snaps of it, don't worry about the quality in this case is not needed, and post it somewhere, I, then, can use it.That's all for now, and don't worry if you don't have anything to write about the south, I do.
• #45
We will be having plenty of snaps taken by the support crew. You may use such of these as you wish. They will be posted up and many not posted also available to you. Just ask. I will probably be too preoccupied to be stopping and snapping the views myself and, indeed, my general view will be of the arse f the rider in front of me or the Tarmac.
• #46
The next installment in which I visit a nutritionist and discover that everything I have been eating is wrong.
• #47
Clive, I'm finding these rather a good read. You have made it onto my RSS reader, a very rare achievement.
It means any new blog post will be read somewhere between David Icke and the daily Dilbert cartoon. Trust me, this is the pinnacle of any bloggers aspirations and you should consider yourself congratulated.
• #48
Wow - this looks great. Puts my blog about finding a steel bike on which to ride last year's London to Brighton, and then training for it, to shame...
• #49
Yup, nice reading indeed. It's also nice that you have the pics.. BTW, you don't look too bad from the pictures, i know, you're not wearing a jersey, but still.
Interesting to know about the fluids while eating, and I was surprised about the coffee.
• #50
Episode 5 in which I lose weight and get faster.
Great update, keep it up Clive.