I've got 43 Sidi Ergo 3 Speedplays and they are too slim, and a touch too long. I get a bit of an ache for the first 20 minutes of a ride, and then anything over about 100km they tend to give me hotspots.
The 43 Mega Dominators are slightly too high volume for me, and I slip around a bit.
Hopefully some Giro's will sort it. Who holds a good amount of stock that I can try on?
Also I will be so glad to get rid of these white and lime liquigas shoes. They are a fucking rancid colour.
I've got 43 Sidi Ergo 3 Speedplays and they are too slim, and a touch too long. I get a bit of an ache for the first 20 minutes of a ride, and then anything over about 100km they tend to give me hotspots.
The 43 Mega Dominators are slightly too high volume for me, and I slip around a bit.
Hopefully some Giro's will sort it. Who holds a good amount of stock that I can try on?
Also I will be so glad to get rid of these white and lime liquigas shoes. They are a fucking rancid colour.