You will find it in good wholefood stores. In London, I've only ever seen the Marigold products; look carefully at the labelling as they do a large range of stock/bouillon powders which are not nutritional yeast and the right products only say what they are in small type.
As Laner says, Holland and Barrett never stock this but they do stock a few other Marigold products so you can waste some time looking.
There is some debate about how essential B12 is to your diet. It is undeniably otherwise hard to find in vegan foodstuffs.
bruce those recipes look brilliant, thank you for them
Raw cauliflower florets coated in that sauce are great. Steamed ones would also be good I'm sure but try it raw just to see; leave them a little while to let the flavour mix some.. I have to be careful to have enough cauliflower to use up all the sauce, otherwise I will just eat the remainder.
You will find it in good wholefood stores. In London, I've only ever seen the Marigold products; look carefully at the labelling as they do a large range of stock/bouillon powders which are not nutritional yeast and the right products only say what they are in small type.
As Laner says, Holland and Barrett never stock this but they do stock a few other Marigold products so you can waste some time looking.
There is some debate about how essential B12 is to your diet. It is undeniably otherwise hard to find in vegan foodstuffs.
Raw cauliflower florets coated in that sauce are great. Steamed ones would also be good I'm sure but try it raw just to see; leave them a little while to let the flavour mix some.. I have to be careful to have enough cauliflower to use up all the sauce, otherwise I will just eat the remainder.