You can use the surly tuggnut washer to adapt the 6mm skewer
http://www.charliethebikemonger.com/surly-tuggnut-spare-qr-washer-1151-p.asp?gclid=CMfz9e_Y1tMCFQwB0wodwdQCNw -
Lots of great info in this thread and cool Brompton builds.
I'm currently commuting with an S3L and was wondering based on the gear chart from a few pages back what chainring correlates to "3 speed standard" vs "-12%" vs "-18%"? Am tempted to switch mine out for a smaller ring as an 85 inch top gear seems wrong...
Have just taken delivery of a Charge Plug 5 (2014?) Frame for £130 from eBay was surprised to find they weren't already listed in this thread:
Seems like good value for Tange Prestige...
How are you getting on with that saddle? Wanted to try one for a while...