^ Ugh, logged in to the forum at work and it seems to have got rid of my old username. You can find me @JackFlash
I've been considering getting an Arduino or a RPi for a while now - basically to turn my existing speakers into a wireless music system (because the aux. cable now doesn't reach to where the sofa is and I'm lazy and I don't want to shell out for a Sonos), and a few of you seem to know what you're talking about so I thought I'd ask here...
Which platform is better off for this kind of thing? I'm guessing it's an Arduino because in order to achieve this I'd only need to program a micro-controller, right? But then again the RPi is basically a plug-n-play, or is that overkill?
And how, then, would I go about programming said controller/computer to play music from my laptop/phone over the wireless?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Cheers guys - that's brilliant help.