weird that FFWD project/falcon have started to push out the 2-spoke design by M5. I was just reading an article about them here but theyve been available to purchase for some time(couple of years). https://bikerumor.com/2018/07/09/eb18-ffwd-falcon-project-flies-a-two-spoke-aero-wheel-concept/
also of note, i have repaired 3 hed3 wheels now where the alloy rim has started to come unglued from the carbon- this is down to the breakdown of the adhesive and oxidisation of the materials - many of these wheels are quite old now. Please check if any part of the rim can be moved- it may appear fine but it does produce an audible click when riding.
They are running 1x11 Etap. Its a 62T chainring. I dont know all the particulars however the timing chain is indeed the inner ring. The total bike weighs around 13KG from what im told which seems pretty good considering the sheer size of it. You can imagine it wasnt a cheap build with 2x USE Tula, 2x Rotor chainsets, electronic gears, enve forks, tri rig brakes etc the total is somewhere £6500 ish so Id imagine the frame to be around 3k due to the sheer amount of Ti used and Justins time as several options were explored for size/geometry. Quite a few companies have sponsored the new venture including Burls.
either way your invention is already patented http://www.google.sr/patents/US20040051274
that isnt tight clearance ;) , theres a thread for that. The only issue you will have is gouging from tyre debris which is quite normal. Do cipos have any tell tale markings for authenticity? i ask because they seem to be faked quite a bit by those chinese crabon manufacturers. Quite interested in one someone has for sale but just wondered if i can check its real as i have no comparison on the quality control side.
so the 2 crank arms do not share a common shaft, this makes every operation of removing the rear wheel a total faff surely as the chains have to be setup just right to have the two cranks in sync or else it will feel very odd to ride - thinking slack chains will do very odd things to the stroke, this probably means you can only use gearings with a certain amout of teeth and very taught chains for it to be able to be in sync hence the half links or am i totally wrong?
to be honest a lot of stuff was rebranded in the industry . Who do you think it was made by? Somec didnt make it, they just had a logo put on. Ive seen similar discs branded as vittoria and even with Assos logos.
id have thought..
flat sided- create an inner structure for strength, although they can be hollow it would help reduce chances of the sides delaminating under load/flex of the wheel in general.
lenticular- the tension of the sides can be sufficient if done well. - i rode on a wheel made out of a rim with a surface made from a polyester bed sheet doped in resin and it didnt break however front disc wheels are death at the best of times and it didnt have the best handling characteristics given uneven weight distribution. -
i have contacted you elsewhere but id like dibs on the front mech. i assume you post given your name.