went there a few years back, the garden route is just stunning, i can recommend a few places to stay. winter/summer is backwards there so best to go sept/october so you get the heat and sun but not too crazy. hire a campervan and wild camp along the route/stay in the most amazing camp sites. there are vastly unpopulated areas along the 'route' and it is generally safe, just use your common sense. I was stopped on a highway by armed police checking for drugs/weapons, and that was about all the hassle we had.
most importantly, make sure you try brai toast.
give the ribbon a hoot Joe, it's good for a dripper (my favourite has to be the tugboat v2). making a clapton out of it just transforms the flavour, the wrap of kanthal around the flattened ribbon wicks juice like crazy. gotta use a high wattage device or a mech mod to get the most out of it though.
yeah all good man, glad to hear you're in Oz :-) that's great man. hope you're both enjoying it xx
since last post, been rocking a 'fuhattan' (manhattan clone) for about a month now, works really well with the kennedy and tugboat v2. lovely easy magnetic switch. no springs, like. needs a decent 30 amp battery though. £30 delivered with a kennedy clone dripper from China, no shame.
also been using the vaporflask dna40 for a while, with an orchid v4 tank. Joe, orchid v4 is like a kayfun with proper dual coil deck and lots of nice airflow. pain to fill up though. also experimented with nickel builds, kind of a bit hit and miss for me. need to build the coils using a screw (to space the coil out a bit to stop maxing the temps too quickly).
been experimenting with regular kanthal coils too, tried my hand at a 'clapton' for giggles (4 layers ribbon wire and 24g kanthal wrap), it actually works extremely well and it has all but put my normal coils to bed, in drippers anyways, at the moment.
have been toying with the expensive boutique juices, currently love clutch M.O.A.B. and 'looper'. too pricey to be ADV though (£16 for 30ml's), so been mixing my own MOAB with FlavorArt concentrates. sitting at 5mg right now, prob gonna start trying 0mg soon, but still enjoying it.
pps, re your shorting coil Joe, you're best off torching the wire with a blowtorch or lighter before you fit the coil, this coats the wire with a small amount of oxidisation which seems to help. I had a bit of a mare making a dual coil work with my tank (kept 'check atomiser'ing on me), but got it working sweet by torching each coil before fitting, now runs 0.6ohms nice.
thanks max and luca for the fun games, and to RV Tias and co for the organising.
got myself a rockz modz abs mod and loving it. cheap, takes 3 18650's for super safe sub ohm (spreads the amperage over the batteries), nice volt meter. also got a 26650 dripper (the buddha), massive quad coils, daft clouds.