Not sure if this is even in the right section, couldn't really find in the mechanic bit...
Anyway, looking for a basic tool kit for home use.. Good quality and useful all round. Been looking at Park Tools, Topeak and so on but I wondered what my best option would be and what you all use?
Naturally I would like the biiiig 5k plus Park pro set but that's a little out of my budget but something decent and basic sub £100 would be a good starting point...
And if proof were needed that a man listens to his peers I went and got me a Charge Plug... Good old Triton were rolling them out at £359! Apologies to Mr D Foffa but that was too good a bargain to pass on :)
Cool, presumably you have extensive experience of the off the peg single speed market so you can compare it fairly with everything else on offer? Or are you just angling for a discount?
If you don't know what you're comparing it to then it's not exactly a fair review is it...Well no... Obviously I don't.. Which was the whole point of me coming and asking advice in the first place... However, I do know how to ride a bike, I know what feels safe and responsive because it won't feel like a rolling death trap and if it doesn't break then that'll be a good thing... I know how it will behave from using it everyday.. I don't need a second bike to compare with because that isn't the point.. Actually maybe it is.. I already have a something to compare it too, though it isn't exactly the same thing...
Anyway, I'm not doing a group test, I'm just buying a bike.. Jeez
Ask for advice, get given it. Yet, don't want to listen to the advice.
Do want you want.
Come to drinks, go on a ride, learn the in jokes er....discuss pizza...
Well the funny thing is, I had dismissed Foffa and was set on a Charge so yes, I have taken the advice of those here.. Still will likely end up with one...
Then.. Then though, Dani Foffa ups and offers £100 off one of his and then now £200 is a big price difference.. And if I take it and ride it and report on here how good or bad it is then maybe, just maybe.. This thread can be laid to rest...
Stranger things have happened...
Hey all....
Really? I mean come on, really? You guys heap it out on a man defending his brand, HIS brand because all of what he sells has his name on, pointing out differences between his and other competing bikes, point out how inferior everything, it's really everything now, that his company produces yet how dare he say that something he makes is better than something somebody else makes... How very dare he.. The nerve of him being biased toward his own product.. Of course he will defend..
Yet seemingly Danni Foffa can't get a break here, at all... According to the wise, everything they make is shit.. Is that right? I don't want to start a bun fight on a forum but that kind of rampant shortsighted elitism make me want to puke! I presume that you have all tried a Foffa bike? No? Oh...
Look, I'm not trying to say I know better, I don't know bikes I know computers but seriously, it almost seems that I would get a better bike than a Foffa by dropping £350 at Halfords...
Is that what we are all saying?
Personally, I don't really care if the head of a company is a bit of a cock or not, if the product are good for the price point then they're of interest. I have still not decided on where to place my hard earned cash...
Jury is still open there....
Lots of good interesting info.. Thank you
Should I be excited by this?
Or maybe learn a lesson to not read too much in to original selling prices.... Hmmm
Unfortunately Uber-gruber, I am in the nursery so can't start a new thread. I'm more than happy to let this die because Foffa was mentioned in passing and actually, it's more to do with alternatives..
Ok so people seem to like the Charge Plug.? Well that is a good place to start then and without sounding totally noobish, is there a reason why? Do the use better components? Good service?
I don't want to sound too much like a dick but is it a bit Model T? Only available in black? Actually, I can find that out myself but please don't judge me for wanting something in matte orange or lime green... :)
First post here so please go easy on me....
Whilst dredging up a 60 plus page thread isn't generally seen as good practise, I have to wait 24 hours to post a new one.. Hmm, anyway...
Having rooted around a bit, looking for advice, I can't seems to find the right answer.. Let's assume for the moment that I am in the market for a sub £500 single speed/fixie, which I am.. And thought the list of lists has a section for this, it's a little out of dead with plenty of dead ends.
My question is this, where should I be looking?? Ok, so Foffa aren't the peach of everyone's eye (though arguments sucks as "They're overpriced and shit!", "Why?", "Because they're over priced and shit!" don't really help, especially to a newcomer) then what alternatives are there?
In looking I see, Foffa (yes!), Mango, State, Charge along with a load of stuff on eBay that where I wouldn't know where to start.
I don't have the time to spend trawling through listings or have the skill to put something together myself so what options does one have?
Having read through this this particular post, it seems that Foffa shouldn't be on my list so what others are suggested? Preferably somebody with actual experience of said rides would be most useful. We can all have terrible opinions of things we know nothing about, after all, opinions are like arseholes, nipples and navels we all have them but I can't comment on other peoples nipples unless I have experienced them..
If that makes sense.....
TL:DR version is that I'm looking for a decent sub £500 single speed, where do I look? :)
I also have a basic Trek Hybrid which at some point I'll likely upgrade to maybe a Planet X Pro Carbon which is eye catching and a good deal though that's a way off yet.. Hybrids and touring bikes not quick enough...
Different story for a different day there :)