Isn't that the best technique?
Not so sure! I haven't gotten round to attacking, making breaks, or being properly tactical* yet. I'm a negative racer at the minute which isn't great I don't think? I still don't take the wheel enough either. Working on that. Some day…looks off wistfully into the distance…
*ETA that should read tactical in any way shape or form yet (!)
Hello! I introduced myself ont eh general thread, just discovered the ladies section! I am an Irish lady, recent track person (only since March) and totally and utterly hooked! I am on a rental bike at the moment, but racing was going far better than it had any right to, (bar the last few weeks. I think I had a big portion of beginners luck!) still loving it. Well apart from the hideous saddle. It's a major pain in the…yeah. Can;t wait to get my own track bike!
waves :D
Hello, Irish woman here, recent (since March) convert and hopeless addict to the track. Owner of 4 old steel decrepit machines, only 1 of which is operational shame. Next on the shopping list is a track bike and a road bike I can race, funds are virtually non-existent though so it's dream/imaginary buying I am doing at the minute sigh. Also hoping to pick up some racing tips, well something other than my cling-on-for-dear-life-if there's-anything-left-then-hammer-it technique I am currently going with!
Is this still available?