About EHBPC,
Now that the champ is over, we are able to say that you will have 6 spots in main tournament and 1 in wildcard. Unfortunately, I don't know what is the detailed ranking without ties. So it is impossible for me to know which team will take the wildcard slot.
Please email me about that or on Facebook. -
A swedish guy ansered. Now I still need an Answer from London.
Otherwise London will not vote for representatives.
By the way if some of you want to be part of the committee please fill in this document:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19LJrXKD5ioiAfezDbeHl8XLo9xfRFRLR-AELSYtXUGI/edit?usp=docslist_apiSpread it to the people who would be interested please!
2 candidates for now.
London folk there is a thread in the LHPBA if peeps want to discuss
Where is that?
I still don't have answers from London and lot of others uk cities.
Can someone send Facebook messages to the reps?I still don't have any answers from Sweden too, can you (@Irishane) send them a message back?
Here is the link:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1U4oAinkqpmBLwJvt-o_1ZnpWdK3NTjFvaT9HczJ2tuM/viewform -
Hi everyone,
I'm Jason from France, I am working on organising European Bike Polo Association, and to do so, I need to gather information on every single cities in Europe. The task is huge and I did my best with what's available on League of Bike Polo, now I need your help.
There are few things:
Share this emails with all city representatives that you know from your own country or small countries around yours. We have to gather information on every city.
Share it on Facebook, to your national forums, to your representatives.
I don't have any contacts in particular for Denmark, Luxembourg, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Slovakia, Serbia and Turkey.And, IF ONLY you are a representative(elected or not) of your CITY, please fill in the google form available here:
(If few representatives exists, please coordinate with them to give one answer)https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1U4oAinkqpmBLwJvt-o_1ZnpWdK3NTjFvaT9HczJ2tuM/viewform
This is how the European Committee would work if European majority accept.
Lot of players support the format I'm proposing, around Europe (see https://leagueofbikepolo.com/forum/organizing-polo/2011/01/07/european-polo-association-discussion-have-your-say )
Even if you don't agree, please fill in the form to have information about your city, to facilitate European coordination.This is the first stone of what will coordinate European Bike Polo with other international entities, to create a European ruleset, to organise EHBPC.
Best regards,
Jason B. aka Jay-z
Coordinator of EHA. -
Now proposition updated.
Keep on thinking, and keep your comments for LoBP.People were thinking that 10-12 is a limit. I chose 9 to keep representativness at it's best.
7 seems too less.
On the committee as I see it I expect something like 6 western european and 3 eastern one. If it would be 7, then 5-2 or even 6-1. That's not enough representative for me. I know this is speculation, but this seems better.
Anyway the committee would do it's best to fix the default they would face.And still I would rather have some involved people from UK Fr and Ge than non involved from Eastern europe.
9 is to avoid conflicts in votes. There would always be a majority. Most of the people who spoke in LoBP were talking about 10people.
9 per countries would be hard to apply, because western people has way more chances to be implicated in Euro matters.
One per country is hard too, maybe there would be not enough people to choose from. -
Guys, distributing by region is much more dependant on people who are involved.
Whereas when it is like I proposed there is no intermediary steps, so less time spent on format. This system would allow one election only. So way easier to organise.The region system can be applied later on.
If the committee find it relevant. -
Regional reps is about organising time that I don't have time to spend.
Those groups as you say are in practice incompatible, those that you quoted doesn't have even the same language. And then, what about the small countries? Impossible to include them in a fair distribution of regions.
Where do you put Turkey?
All those questions are avoided. Those reps are here to represent every entity that stands correctly in Europe. Maybe 4 countries in Europe can talk about having a national organisation. What about the 24 others? Who is going to motivate a person that is going to handle a whole region? It has been almost impossible for one person to stand in front of the problem and spend time on the solution.
Those are rhetorical.
I am not new to the problem. I have studied it and came up with this solution. This would last for this year, and would work. Those 150 people are asked to vote once, it is not impossible.Those key objectives are far from what the committee can accomplish on this first year. Euro2015 is objective number one. Rules, objective number 2. if we can accomplish that, that would be a huge thing already. Those others you proposed are for NAH with their 4years of existence.
Ok, good to know.
What's the date?