The lockring came with the wheel brand new, along with a 16t sprocket and was already fitted. And I tightened it on with a park tool lockring too, no hammer and screwdriver. I'm assuming I just had a dodgy one with an internal crack since it broke along a notch point.
I will get myself a DuraAce Lockring if they are the best out there but the brakes are staying off. And it's not a internet hard man routine, I was just pointing out of some arseholes have a attitude online that do not reflect what they are like face to face.
Thanks, Supa.
This is London Fixed Gear and Single Speed forums, right? A forum for fixie riders and bikes?
I know exactly what I'm doing, I just had a mechanical failure and asked for some advice on what the best course of action to prevent it happening again.
But apparently I get a bunch of 'men' whinning like fucking wives about how I legally need this and should have done that who get rather bitchy when they get the same kind of attitude in return.
Thank you to yoav and jackbepablo for actually trying to help rather than being a condescending arsehole. I am truly curious if you act this way when you do rides or meets or races? I'm going to assume you don't since getting a punch in the face may seen a little annoying after a while.
Oh, and happy new year to you all, Supa.
[URL="http://www.lfgss.com/member15173.html"][/URL] -
Gave my fixie a complete service last night and though 'It's ttime to remove that front brake, I havn't used it at all for the past few rides so I should be fine!'.
Well, I'm flying down the hill on my way back from town and this happens...
Cracked my lock ring mid braking. Needless to say the result was not pretty but not much damage was done to me, the bike or the 4x4 I went into.I have fitted a identical spare I have but my question is this: Are all lockrings one standard size? And what is a really good brand or specific lockring to buy as I don't really trust the one I have on there now.
Friendliest? As friendly that those nice Westborough Baptish Church people? Surely not! They make cookes, cakes and ride bikes with gears and things!
And a quote comes to mind now. 'I'd call you a cunt but you lack the warmth and depth and you're too full of your own shit, thus, you are an arsehole!'
And you're more than welcome to edmundro, I'm in London a lot so I might see you at an even perhaps? I'm on the brake-less black fixie with Spesh fact carbon forks and orange grips and red toe straps.