Until this afternoon I had never encountered a Smart car that hadn't been driven by a weapons grade cockwomble, but on the way home this evening one was very considerate. (the driver that is, not the car)
I was shouted at from two consecutive cars to use the (pavement) cycle path on Snaresbrook Road. Passed both of them in the queue at the lights and politely told them to fuck off.
It's Windermere, not Lake Windermere: the final four letters mean that adding the lake is a tautology. Bassenthwaite Lake is the only 'lake' in the Lake District.
Some cyclists must definitely have driven in today, as when I stopped at the red light at the junction of Capworth Street and Leyton High Road this morning, the two cars behind me went through.
Until this afternoon I had never encountered a Smart car that hadn't been driven by a weapons grade cockwomble, but on the way home this evening one was very considerate. (the driver that is, not the car)