I experience the same thing as you, and 8 out of 10 times I would prefer going for v60 rather than aeropress. For me aeropress gets to oily/murky and its harder to distinguish the flavour compaired to the v60. It does however tastes alot more due to the brewing process (coffee dissolved). The flavour gets more refined, clean and for me easier to spot in a v60 brew, and If I want more coffee disssolved I rather go for a kalita brew.
Just to confuse things, Oria had a crimped tubeset for a short period also, but this would have been top of the tree in quality terms.
Cromovelato is a very posh finish, you'd really only find it on top end framesets.
Oria also made a crimped tubeset but only for a few years.
Maybe Columbus SPX also called "Estrella" ( Star )? Was used on OLMO Sintex Anniversary frames too
Thanks for your answers. After some research on my own I believe it has to be Columbus tubing, since most of the frames made Losa was out Columbus. On the other hand I can never be too certain. But I believe its quite rare frame.
Could someone identify this frame (besides Losa)and possibly what kind of tubing it is?
Its starshaped/chrimped, but I find it hard to believe its Columbus gilco.
More pictures at https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=1808843f3674e140&id=1808843F3674E140%211168&ithint=folder,.JPG&authkey=!ANM_55V15m4Pg5A
Yep! I understand that. Mail med at Viktor.Johansson@gmail.com
Can ship?