hello, cycling from Los Angeles here on a visit for some touring action. Did the some 250miles a few weeks back from Bristol > Wellow > Frome > Four Marks > London to gear up for a trip in Scotland, Inverness to Sheffield basically. I'm leaving May 1st for my trip, but I hope to ride around with some people when I get back. I'll be around until June 4th.
Hello. I'm in town from Los Angeles here for a cycle tour of Scotland. I made an account so I could post in your touring area of the forum to see if anyone wanted to join for any parts of it, but it looks like I need to make some posts to prove I'm not a spammer.
Anyways I'm posting here because these Thursday night meetups are pretty close to me, so perhaps I will be joining you all soon. When I come back though, because my train up is on May 1st.
Oh nice, didn't see about next day delivery. Thanks!