@FULLBUFFSLONDON it is.....but I'm in Vancouver now so can't sort selling it to you,unless I can get hold of my friend who's house it is at. Where are you based?
Hey @BigH sorry for the delayed reply, currently away, yeah I'm after a bit more of a hella angle, like the jag, ideally. But thank you though.
Sunday morning bump too and price drop to £30
I don't suppose you know the angle @BigH?
Potentially interested @BigH, how much were you after?
I have a Nitto 110 for sale, usual usage marks below the insertion line (some of this is just grease tbh), the whole thing would come up lovely jubbly with a polish. Actually after a black stem as a replacement too, if anyone has one going?
£35 Collection from Hackney or can deliver within reason
I have a Nitto 110 for sale, usual usage marks below the insertion line (some of this is just grease tbh), the whole thing would come up lovely jubbly with a polish. Actually after a black stem as a replacement too, if anyone has one going?
£30 Collection from Hackney or can deliver within reason
@anidel afraid it's already gone.
Sorry @GianLambert23 it's sold now
The big clear out for Vancouver starts now, various odds and sods for sale. Collection from Hackney/Soho or postage can be arranged.
All pictures are here:
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8Vv8LKiC4E4fkVhT1lvb1g1ZlJuaEpiUHFXbHZfYkpQc2pMSkpZTko0LW9wQnlZWHlrTlk&usp=sharingDIA Compe silver brake caliper - £6
BLB x ALLFIXEDGEAR jersey, brand new with tags, Small - £40
Silver BLB lock ring - £2Cheers,
Amber -
Dark brown hip pouch for sale (looks like the one in the pic), damn good condition, just a few light oil marks on the inside. £18.
Amber -
I have a dark brown Chrome hip pouch, can take a lock too @LunarKing if you're still looking
Hey @tokyofixedv2 afraid this is long gone. Good luck with the search.