I cycled from further west (Alperton) and this stretch of canal is quite easy. The only issue is near Kensal Town which is quite busy and there are few nutters who hate cyclists. Order cycling mpas from TFL: https://www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/cycling/11682.aspx
Florent -
Hi Ebenzo, I ride from Alperton to Oxfod Circus (where I work) but had to stop in winter since there's not enough light (and admittedly I am not keen of the cold and wet weather). Mi bike is quite old and I am planning to buy a new one this spring. On a related matter I had a crash with a guy standing in the middle of the path near meanwhile gardens and also witnessed another cyclist taken down. I will open another topic as I am looking for other witnesses. Florent
I cannot create a threat for the time being: here is a link to the Kensal Town Towpath Public Consultation: http://canalrivertrust.org.uk/about-us/consultations/current-consultations