Hi! Name's Martin been a keen roadie since I got my first proper racing bike a Mercian Professional in 531c tubing with full Record for £150 in 1984. Full brooks saddle too. Then went and installed Shimano 105 on it :-o Currently riding Scott Addict R1 and considering some sort of single speed/cross project for my new mobile bike repair business - Never Mind The Bike Shops. 07940 859 672 full fixie annual services and pick up £30. www.nevermindthebikeshops.com Ooops this just turned into an advert. Is that allowed? ;-)
The north has been in an abusive relationship with the south since the days of thatcherism. Scousers were punished by Murdoch's evil empire for telling it how it is. Divide and rule always works. Scousers are more flamboyant and witty than people from most other people in the UK = jealousy. Plain and simple!