Box squats are great for technique and strength. Coming to a dead stop and having to stand up is really helpful for ensuring you maintain tightness, and the dead stop prevents any stretch reflex, so great for working the muscle too.
I've never heard of them as a tool for explosive power. I'd be looking at things like power cleans, speed reps, push press for things like that. Did you read about them being used for explosive power somewhere?
For what your 1rms/RPEs with different weights are your bodyweight doesn't impact it really, cause what you can do isn't really impacted by what "good" is if you see what I mean.
I would try your best not to worry about what is a good lift for your weight. Comparing yourself to other standards doesn't help much unless you are planning on competing and want to see where you stand.
How much you're lifting vs bodyweight isn't really relevant for RPE or 1rms, but for them, try plugging numbers into https://www.rpecalculator.com/
Use the first set, and treat the RPE as 10 = I could not even attempt another rep, 9.5 is maybe I could have gotten another rep, 9 is definitely could have gotten another rep. And just continue that mentality as you subtract .5 at a time. E.g. RPE 7.5 for a given set is definitely could have done 2 more, maybe 3.When you get down to RPE 6 or so it's a lot more nebulous as you're too far into the realm of estimation. But this is good for a general guide.
Once you have those numbers plugged into there you can play around with what it tells you your RPEs will be at different weight/rep ranges and try them and see if they feel accurate.
You will struggle to do a genuine full body workout with no equipment as it can be quite hard to hit your back muscles without something to pull off of (or some weights). Is a doorway pull up bar with some rings/a TRX an option for you?
I would also potentially suggest if you only have 15 minutes you may be better off doing a "split" than you will be doing full body every session, as you'll struggle to hit all body parts well enough for adaptation in that 15 mins.
As for an actual recommendation, try the minimalist routine from the bodyweight fitness subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/minroutine/ but even in there you have rows, which will need some kind of equipment.
Main things I do are step downs, have been steadily increasing height on these, and I do them as part of my warmup for all squatting, push pressing, or deadlift sessions. I also got a slant board to do VMO squats. Also tib raise/calf raise supersets. Though not from KOTG specifically I also do my leg extensions more focussed on the vastus medialis now with my legs very close together and toes pointed inwards a bit. Alongside all of these any squatting movement I do I focus a lot more on controlling the eccentric portion.
Alongside these when I started I was stretching my quads every day, and foam rolling them when I could stand the pain. Now that pain has subsided mostly I stretch more infrequently, maybe 3 nights a week, but I stretch and foam roll my legs (focussing on quads) before squat and deadlift sessions.
For the first 2 months of knee rehab I only trained upper body with all my lower body work being focussed on rehab as well, which helped a lot.
I am really astounded by the improvement. Just walking down the stairs made me wince with pain and I was almost constantly on painkillers and now my knees are a bit creaky but mostly fine.
Started some proper stretching and rehab work on my knees around 3 months ago based on knees over toes guy on YouTube and it's worked absolute wonders for me. Walking down stairs, sitting on toilet, squatting and deadlifting almost completely pain free.
Hit 220kg for 3 on deadlift last night and 170kg for 3 on squat at the weekend (with knee wraps) so things are developing well on lower body front. I really need to just laser focus on my upper body work cause it's so behind my lower body lifts. When August is over and I'm less busy I'm going to think about implementing some proper upper body focussed programming.
I like an SSB too, and is probably the quickest solution that allows training.
Zombie or crossed arms front squat could be an option.
I do know people who basically put their hands on the plates when they squat. It's not ideal but you may just have to kind of adapt to the low mobility while trying to improve it, as it's unlikely it will change significantly quickly.
That's a fair critique, but one that can realistically be applied to pretty much anything outside of academic journals. For what it's worth places like MPMD regularly cite scientific studies. Obviously there's the old "you can prove anything with facts" thing with that, but it's worth noting.
And the point of the original mention is that no matter whether it's 100% legit, or seemingly good information not being distinguishable from actual good information, it's still leaps and bounds ahead of 20 years ago in terms of availability of information which can contribute to people's openness to hopping on cycle. Whether legitimately or not they can feel like they have researched it well in a way that was not really easy to do historically.
I think if people want to get good balanced information about gear usage there are a decent amount of places out there you can find e.g. moreplatesmoredates, none of which have I ever seen actively advise people to take gear but do say "if you are going to do it this is what you should do" and caveat it with side effects, similar to safer usage advice for any other drug.
I think one of the other things that makes them more accessible to people now is the plethora of information about them out there. YouTube, forums, etc, telling you what to take and what other stuff to do, when to get your bloods done, what to look out for etc. Back in the day if you hopped on you just asked the big guy at the gym what to do and did that, so it's no surprise a lot of people are suffering from the consequences of the compounds they took when they were doing it under not the greatest advice.
Pure muscles? I trained there when I lived in Walthamstow. Good gym.