Is Usain Bolt on steroids?
http://www.muscleweek.com/is-usain-bolt-on-steroidsAs the article points out, it doesn't matter if he is, if he is within a 4:1 testosterone ratio. That limit is applicable to **all **the athletes, thus a fair playing ground.
Porlex Stuck by AndrewLeitch, on FlickrAny ideas? I had it in there for traveling. It's been in before and come out fine. Just not this time. I've had it in the freezer for an hour to try and get the grinder component to contract but the results weren't successful.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I'm thinking of giving it a go too - not so much for weight loss but for the other health benefits. Just need to give some thought to a >600 calorie menu...
He cut 2800 calories a week from his diet, it's a big presumption that he would not have achieved the results he got by spreading that more evenly over the week.
BeyondMeat do fake chicken that is almost imperceptibly different from the real thing.
http://beyondmeat.com/products/Basically the only difference is that real chicken is a bit more stringy and may occasionally get caught in your teeth.
I presume you mean organic chicken when you say "real chicken".
I can understand saying something if the white fixed rider has endangered yourself by their actions.
The forum seems to be creating a vigilante type attitude towards other cyclists. We know best and we will ram it down your throat at every given opportunity.
Divided we fall.