Anyone able to give some advice on a chain stay u brake? I'm going insane. This old MBK frame needs one, but it's a mountain bike so put some fairly wide tyres on, I have a dia compe hombre brake fitted - the caliper arms touch when the pads contact the rim (already had to find some thick pads to get them close enough to contact) - it also seems like the wheel is about 5mm off centre - Most modern chainstay u brakes seem to have very narrow clearances.. Am I wasting my time trying to get this working? (I have re-organised the washers, realised I've taken the first two photos while messing about)
Omnium owners/general cargo bike experience Havers - I've had my omnium for about a year, gets some pretty heavy use - due to enjoying recycling/being cheap I've never had any kind of proper branded webbing, I made something just using old inner tubes and some sort of webbing stuff I found. This is what's happening to the front headset, should I be worried? Should I just bite the bullet and buy something made for the job?
Really sad about this, loved YMO since I was fifteen. RIP.
Planning to loose the clump closest to the camera in the image but partner is a gardener and garden is tiny so keen to make the most of the space - Maybe trellis up the sides would help? Never heard of dpc before, that's a good shout, cheers. Airbricks at the base and then vent at the roof it is. Planning to move the door so it's easier to take the omnium in and out.. Also should be able to store it non-vertically. Pics attached. Do need to do some emergency repairs to the roof of the existing one - anyone had any experience with osb + felt roof?
Cheers, had a go and it looks like it'll do the trick. Does anyone have any experience avoiding a damp shed? Current on is wooden sitting on a few blocks, frame surrounded by a weatherproof membrane but it's still gotten pretty bad after a decade.. Plan for the new one is to pour a concrete base and run a course of bricks, on which the new wooden frame will sit. Should I have ventilation top and bottom? Is insulating it going to make a difference?
My big plan for this year is to tear down and rebuild my shed/workshop that's stood for about ten years as the damp problem is getting serious.. Does anyone have any recommendations for software that might be good for planning a build? Currently limited to an iPad pro.
Obligatory picture of old shed attached..
Haven't checked that, good shout.