I sent the frame to a local powder coater and it should be back in a week. In the meantime I found these on ebay:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262283587109?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AITI've always fancied the brake levers where the cables come out of the top!
After about 2 years of riding it like that I decided yesterday to strip in down and make it look presentable. I think the previous owner of the frame had tried to paint it himself and it wasn't the best finish and rust was starting to come through. So yesterday whilst it was raining outside I brought the frame indoors!
I discovered this forum a few years ago when contemplating whether to dabble into the world of fixed wheel riding! After a lot of reading I thought it about time I posted my project.
Originally I picked up the frame locally of ebay. It was cheap and about the right size so I though I'll build it up into a basic bike and see if it's a comfortable size and if fixed wheel is for me. I had a brooks saddle from another bike and with the addition of basic wheelset and a new bits and bobs off ebay (namely the sergio crankset) it turned out like this. I settled on a short (I think 103mm) bottom bracket to achieve a straight chainline.
Hello. I thought it was about time I made a proper post since I've been reading this forum for a while! I wanted a Raleigh Lizard as I used to have one as a kid and found this on eBay for £18!
I've added mud guards and dyno hub since I'm using it in Germany for a year. Anyway, I decided to convert it to a single since everything was pretty knackered. The crank was an oval shape so I replaced the chainring with a 50 which I got off eBay for £10! I've replaced the rear wheel with one I got off eBay as part of a pair for £30. When I get it back to England my plan is to replace the bottom bracket so I can remove the chainring spacers. I have no tools here but my neighbours have been good at lending me stuff! Anyway feel free to take the piss!
Hello, I thought it was about time I made a post as I've been reading this site for a while! I have a single speed Raleigh Lizard! Please feel free to take the piss! David
Here are the finished pictures