I have a question about touring triple cranksets. I have a Sugino XD2 triple crankset. I need new chainrings but don't have the bike handy to check exact sizes.
Outer ring is 46t 110bcd.
Middle is 36t, bcd I'm unsure of. Would it be 110 or 104?
Inner is 26t and I assume 74bcd.Does this sound correct?
What chainrings are good for heavy loaded touring? Steel preferably and the more affordable the better..
That franken trucker is rad.
I have a question about making my bike more functional. My LHT tourer has a stub on the back of the headtube for a horizontally mounted pump. I want a Zefal HPX but im confused about the sizes.
Its a 52cm LHT frame. Do I get the 48-53cm pump?
On the lookout for a Medium Surly Krampus in that original green if anyones got one.