so.. I only read this thread yesterday... and today this is on the front page of The Guardian website....
what turned into an amusing one this morning..
cycling along new bridge street northbound after blackfriars bridge, big lorry/truck indicating to turn left and me and a girl in front hanging back while it does
a guy goes past us cycling up the inside of it... I yelled its turning left and straight after the girl shouts turning left.. truck puts brakes on...
the guy on the bike then sticks his left arm out turns left then stops and turns to look at us wondering why we've told him to turn left...
cycling home tonight and there's been a collision between a theobolds road eastbound motorbike/scooter and a car which appears to have been turning right to go up Gray's inn road - the motorbike was wedged into/under the passenger side of the bonnet - a stretcher was being lifted into the ambulance as I went by - pray everyone involved gets through ok
I emailed kona too, got a reply of 59"!!. I wasnt so sure and after much debate I ordered at 56". Recieved it friday and 56" is spot on for me. I have an inch clearance on the cross bar when off the saddle and the post is out of the top just the right amount. Thanks for your advice. Modding has started already! Anyone what a white saddle and some drop bars!!!!
Cheers Andy
Hi andy - any chance you still have the saddle ? Wiped out by a driver on Monday and need to replace various things starting with my original saddle which is now knackered
me this morning unfortunately, coming down the hill on larkhall rise to junction with union road i think, must have been doing 25-30, as i am hitting the junction car in opposite lane decides to tun right straight in front of me, managed to grab my brakes just before hitting it full on - think i got flipped up by hitting front break hard, hit him and go over bonnet
all things considered seem to have got off pretty lightly - my hip/ back is pretty cut up, bruised/possibly broken ribs, torn muscle in my groin/leg and numb arm/hand from the impact - went on bike to guys and got checked which helps with the shock having someone to talk to - be careful out their everyone, keep thinking if it had been a truck, it wasn't so must knock those thoughts on the head
pretty glad i had a helmet on - it's all scraped down one side
Looking back on Tour de France in 20 years time, if not sooner, unfortunately Team Sky, including Wiggo and Froome, will go down in history as the ones who killed some formidable qualities such as instinct, guts, bravery and spontaneity let alone passion, heart and soul, just to mention a few forgotten elements of the sport that can't be computer calculated and listed on spreadsheets - basically everything I love and treasure about professional cycling having followed it and been part of the sport one way or another for nearly 40 years. By then undoubtedly pro teams will simply compare Watt diagrams and do a round of honours in Paris and the race will be over and done with.
Don't get me wrong; fabulous performance by Froome and Sky - you can't take that away from them - but today the Tour de France and pro cycling died a little bit, and this is just the beginning. Good day for Froome and Team Sky, not so good for cycling and Tour de France.
Sorry mate but having a clean team regardless of the perceived morality of the sponsor is the only thing that will ensure people are watching this in 5 years time let alone 20
I think (but someone will correct me if wrong) that they emerge from teh tunnel just before that norwegian corner bit and then swing a left at that corner - yeah there is a big park with the wheel in, fairground rides etc
used to go with my parents when i was a kid on the right hand side of place de la concorde to the riders which is good but gets really rammed - be good if you got there early and stocked up on booze/water/food though
went last year - was on the opposite side of the road to where Norwegian corner is by the row of shops (Rue de Rivoli I think sort of opposite the big wheel) - pretty much where Wiggins kicked to lead off Cav - stood there for 6 hours but didn't get too jammed - after shelling out for numerous bottles of water (same shop doubling the price every couple of hours) I only realised after the finish that there was a pub with a load of brits on a side street 20 metres or so away... anyway that's a pretty good spot
This is a massive CSB. You'll all love it.
Every Christmas one of my Grandad's mates used to receive a box of chocolate covered Brazil nuts from a cousin or someone. He had no teeth so just used to suck the chocolate off and leave the nut.
He then used to put the nuts back in a bowel on the coffee table for people to help themselves to when they came round.
That would be this ^ story... not the various good sh'tting ones....
Slim Whitman. Yodeller extraordinaire who you may know from Mars Attacks. Held the UK No 1 for 11 weeks.
wow thanks for posting that - he was one of my granda's favourites and I assumed he had long left this earth....
You really need to get over your man crush on Pardew....