Loads of people got kettled in Trafalgar Square for hours. I avoided the kettle by quickly running into a nearby pub. The turnout was about 600 to begin with by about 6:15pm. I know why the numbers were so low. It was because there was another anti-austerity protest in Trafalgar Square earlier at 12noon, this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1149723271724992/ Also the meet up time is far too late at 6pm. These million mask marches should meet up at 12noon and march off at 1pm like most central London demonstrations. That makes it much easier for people living in outer London and beyond to attend as they can then easily get buses and trains home again. By the way I didn't see any violence at all apart from a few fireworks being set off. This was probably the reason for the police kettling hundreds of protesters in Trafalgar Square from 7:30pm onwards.
Here is the Facebook page for this event, https://www.facebook.com/MillionMaskMarchLondon/ You can post all your questions about this event there! Personally I think this event would attract far more people if the meet up time had been 12noon with the march starting at 1pm which is the usual time for big demonstrations. I can't believe how so many people on here really hate this event and hate the protesters taking part in it. They should save their hate for the Tories, remember most Tory MPs voted for the 2003 war on Iraq and look what a disaster that turned out to be. The Tories are also planning to waste 41 billion pounds of public money on replacing Trident nuclear submarines while they slash spending on vital public services.
Acid house music is really old now. It first came out in 1987 and became really popular in 1988. See this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85-19PxC17o
I don't like the music much but I used to like the atomosphere at the old raves. There are still weekly raves around the edges of greater London near the M25 most weekends. -
By the way Brick Lane market in east London is where a lot of stolen bikes are sold on. So if your bike is stolen go there early on a Sunday morning and you might spot it being sold there and be able to catch the thief who stole it as well. Read this: http://road.cc/content/news/149067-man-searches-his-stolen-bike-londons-brick-lane-and-gets-it-back
QUOTE: "You should maybe think about speaking out against those among you who commit acts of criminal damage and animal cruelty." I would rather speak out against the counter revolutionaries like you, who claim to hate the Tories but instead of doing anything about the them slag off everyone else who does take to the streets to make a stand against them. And people like you should learn from history, for example in May 1968 it was anarchists, students and trade unionists who nearly brought down the right wing Charles de Gaulle government. They would have won had it not been for the French communist party's sellout. See this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCtcD9CfMOI
QUOTE: "I sincerely hope the first person who lays a finger on a po po pony gets his teeth kicked out good and proper. What do they get charged with? Animal cruelty or assaulting an officer? Or is there a specific offence? Porksword- why do you keep dribbling on like a spam bot instead of responding to people's questions. I hate the tories as much as any other rational human being but dressing up like cunts and acting like cunts tends to make make people think you're a bunch of cunts...". You should concentrate on speaking out against the Tories then instead of having such a go at the people who decide to protest against them! People like you are called reactionaries.
Here is a good blog by someone who attending this protest. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/anonymous-uk-member/marching-million-mask-march-anonymous_b_12782580.html it explains just how bad this current Conservative government really is and why we need to protest against them.
By the way there is a good football campaign group here: https://www.facebook.com/campaign.for.real.football/?fref=ts Campaigning against the turning of football into a big business where the fans come second. Incidentally a backlash against rip off tick prices and corruption and match fixing in mainstream league football has seen a rise in numbers attending none league clubs over the past ten years.
The Evening Standard has run a story today on this event: http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/million-mask-march-met-warns-of-crackdown-on-masked-criminals-after-2015-chaos-a3386236.html
Notice how they have the cheek to call Anonymous protesters criminals. I think the real criminals are the Tories who are privatising public services, selling off council housing and wasting billions of tax payers money on renewing Trident nuclear submarines! -
You can read about the band here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_(band) They were really big in the mid 1980s from 1983 until 1987 then they faded, but are still doing gigs to this day. They were probably the inspiration for later anarchist bands such as Rage against the machine.
I used to go to a lot of punk gigs way back in the 1980s. And saw this band live at the Canterbury Arms pub in Brixton in 1989. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGQaGg3OxFw
I haven't been to any gigs since 1991 though. Unless you count free gigs played in parks at free events. There used to be a couple of free festivals in London parks each year where bands used to play for free. I saw the Specials play at one way back in 1997 in Victoria Park. And saw the Buzzcoks at one in Finsbury Park in 2006. -
By the way another much lesser known celebrity is also a regular attender of this event. Colin Jerwood the lead singer of the punk band Conflict. Most people on here will never of heard of that band but they were really big back in the mid 1980s. Here they are live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-ajfAkyUs
By the way I forgot to mention that Russell Brand is a regular attender at the annual million mask march protests. Now if he would only tell his millions of Facebook and Twitter followers to attend as well then this event really would get at least half a million people out on the streets. Maybe that is the key to the success of this event to get more celebrities on board. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYiTuS-rOuI
QUOTE: "I just hope to god that you're 13 and not a grown adult."
No I am not 13. I am a grown up person and thousands of grown up people attend the annual Million Mask March events. I have been on loads of similar protests over the past 30 odd years. And I know that the SWP, the trade unions and the left wing front organisations like Peoples Assembly against austerity are a waste of time because they divert protest into useless forms of action. The left think that a day of action is a boring A to B march where people listen to speakers at a rally where they are told what they already know. Hopefully this protest by Anonymous will be really huge and will make a big impact! https://www.facebook.com/MillionMaskMarchLondon/?fref=ts
Why is it trolling to promote a protest against government austerity cuts and other unpopular government policies like benefit sanctions and the renewal of trident nuclear submarines? Here is the video invite to this protest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95o2sjPVejY
No it is not bullshit! The movement against government cuts led by the TUC and the Socialist Worker party front organisation The Peoples Assembly Against Austerity have failed to reverse any government cuts in the past six and a half years since the Tories were re-elected. The movement in France in 1968 nearly won! Read this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/may/13/newsid_2512000/2512413.stm That movement was not led by the major left wing parties but was made up of independent grass roots activist groups led by militant students and militant workers outside the main trade union movement!
I used to have an Assault Bivi by Terra Nova, I think that was who made it about 10 years ago. I used it a lot. It was great for cycle touring as it was so light weight and took up hardly any room. The only problem was that about once a month I had to spray the outside of the bag with a water repellent like nikwax so that the rain would bead off and it would maintain its breathability. And a bottle of nikwax cost 8 pounds which lasted for about two reproofs. If you don't treat bivvies with water-repellent then condensation will rapidly build up inside and you will get very wet even in dry weather.
QUOTE: "There are active political movements which aren't based on dressing up in silly masks and annoying people, but which actually make a difference to the political landscape." No there are not! The trade unions and the established Labour movement have failed to change anything since the Tories got re-eclected in 2010! See this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYbZbhRsKrg
Millions of people across the country have demonstrated against government austerity cuts since 2010 but have been totally ignored as the government plough on with mass privatisation and mass austerity cuts to public services! Anonymous and its more militant forms of action are the new way forward as the parties of the past have failed time and time again. -
By the way does anyone remember East Ham football club? Read this: http://thecoldend.blogspot.co.uk/2010/04/forgotten-football-east-ham-united-and.html
By the way there is a DIY bike workshop near the Elephant and Castle in south London. https://56abikespace.wordpress.com It has got a wide range of tools and parts and usually an experienced bike mechanic on hand to assist you with repairs.
See this, it was a case of either run into a pub or risk being arrested! The guy in that video had done nothing wrong at all! The police were totally over the top for such a small protest that was almost totally peaceful apart from a few fireworks being set off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9exTOPnBcio