I am currently choosing what paint to use I think I'm going to go with a two tone pale yellow and white job, not sure whether to fade or mask I like the masked look better I think. Probably going to do forks and stem one colour possibly white and frame mainly yellow with white details. I have also found a cool topcoat from rustoleum which is clear but reflects light at night... Never seen this used before so I will test it out on and old bit of metal first....
Thanks for replies re holes I guess I won't be filling the holes then....
Hi all i'm doing a strip down ATM and was wondering about holes on the frame and whether I can fill them in with some auto 2 part filler then rub down? Ibe built bikes before but have always had them armourtexed. I want to try and build a great looking bike as cheaply as possible. I paid £25 for a Raleigh Winner frame mid 80s, if i get it powder coated that will cost about £80, so before ive even bought one part it would already cost over £100. I want to see if its possible to match a professional finish with some elbow grease and spray cans. I have a good understanding of painting as i used to be a painter and have used spray guns before too. I want to get rid of any unnecessary holes on the frame before i prime it, Do these holes need to be kept and do they serve a purpose, that is to drain moisture from inside tubes, I have a small hole near one of the lugs. As shown in pix. To follow..
I'm doing a strip down ATM and was wondering about holes on the frame and whether I can fill them in with some auto 2 part filler then rub down? Do these holes need to be kept and do they serve a purpose, that is to drain moisture from inside tubes, I have a small hole near one of the lugs. As shown in pix. To follow..
Going to finish stripping and prepping this week when I get a chance and then get it primed up its so difficult choosing a colour scheme