Thanks for all the advice! Much appreciated!
After spending more time looking around the net, especially on this site i've come to the conclusion that if I wait it out i'll find a better deal. And in my search i've sort of fallen for some of the Bob Jackson frames.. Those things are class!
Andy P- Yeah i've heard this before. I should be able to get something a bit more special for this price.
General Lucifer- That was what I thinking. It's emaculate and for a 20y/old bike. I'm not taking it so if you want to grab it and triple your money- go ahead, i'd like to know if that works haha.
I am in desperate need of a bike and originally planned to try and build my own single speed project from scratch.. But then I came across this beauty and called the seller straight away to make sure he knew I was interested and I'm in the stages of purchasing it this week. However, I far from being a bike expert and would like to ask to ask you guys for some last minute advice..
The link is-
The bike seems like an absolute beauty in my eyes, I love the old Bianchi frames and it looks like its in immaculate condition but I don't know that much about bikes and would just like someone with knowledge on the subject to let me know if this actually a good buy or not! What do you guys think? Is it good quality, is the price reasonable?
Interested in the ritchey bars.. Still available?