I want(ed) to be a hipster. The closest I came was during the pandemic when I grew a massive beard and rode around Douglas prom on my fixie.
Because it was the Isle of Man no-one noticed or commented not one "you fucking hipster!" was uttered which made me sad.
I got a mullet recently and have been disappointed by the lack of piss taking from my friends.
Just got back myself, also thanks to Crow!
Know what you mean about the presumed liability, was weird to not stop to let turning vehicles knowing that apparently they have to wait for all the cyclists to pass before turning.
Public transport is also a bit shit there. I mean, you can get about on it easily enough, but its hot and always takes WAY longer than expected due to delays. Journeys that would take 15m by bike would take 45m by public tranport, especially if you needed to take the train.
Also unlike 90% of the people in the queue I got in to Berghain so that really made the trip for me lol.
Hi, was recommended to post here - I'll be staying in berlin for the last two weeks of July and wonder if anyone could recommend somewhere to hire a nice bike?
Also up for renting from a member of the community directly if they are happy to, im cool arranging collecting and returning, giving cash deposit type of thing if the owner would like.
The hotel Im staying has assured me they have a secure place to keep a bike, and if I'm not convinced by the security I'll keep it in my room. Will mostly be visiting touristy places during the day so won't be leaving it locked outside overnight anywhere.
Not necessarily after some super sweet tarck bike or high end road / gravel type thing, as it'll just be for cruising about, but something a bit nicer than the usual clunky hybrids that are typically offered by bike rental places. E.g. last summer I stayed in Vienna and a bike shop owner lent me his fixed gravel cruiser bike type thing which was a ton of fun.
What's the current best method for getting reasonably decent carbon tarck wheels, eg clinchers, brake surface on front wheel.
I remember much discussion on this way back, with people doing group buys from online Chinese retailers, some small builders offering hand built unbranded wheels etc
I should add this is purely an aesthetic purchase
Can I convert a fat bike into a trike with some kind of replacement fork (plus some kind of reinforcement)?
No, that's not how tadpoles work.
Are you sure? Stuff like this exists: https://add-bike.com/en/addbike-plus/
Im not after wheels being as far apart as your example, thinking more like the ratios of the three wheel motorbikes you see about.
I realise I never replied to this thread after visiting Vienna.
I should have, particularly to give a MASSIVE shout out to the dude at Radplatz for hooking me up with a fixed gear gravel monster type thing which was a ton of fun to ride around. He also offered me his super tarcky Dosnoventa but my legs be no long :(
Vienna is pretty good to ride around. Bike lanes on pretty much every street, but sometimes they are a bit narrow, two way, and some junctions are super confusing to navigate. Got shouted at by other cyclists a couple of times.
Can I convert a fat bike into a trike with some kind of replacement fork (plus some kind of reinforcement)?
Bought a fat bike a couple of years back to deal with Helsinki winter but it doesn't really cut it on ice. Was thinking whether I could turn it into a trike with two mountain bike wheels on the front for the ultimate no falling over machine.
I would just try studded tyres but they are €250 EACH and won't bother if I still end up falling on my arse.
Another vote for Swrve. I've been pretty much wearing almost exclusively Swrve jeans for over 15 years now.
Only problem I have with them is the dye fades over time a fair bit compared to other brands. Would love it if they made some ever-black jeans as that's the only thing I buy other jeans for.
Also "reinforced gusset" is a fun thing to say.